Glenn f***ing Beck. Why oh why was your mother not pro-choice? In his career in media, he has said some things that were sexist, that were racist, that were contradictory, and that were flat-out wrong. Honestly, just Google “Glenn Beck” and “Comments” and add any aforementioned adjective. There are pages of info for you. I think PolitiFact did it best here.
Just when I think he can’t get any more repugnant, he proves me wrong. He stated that the Utoya Island youth camp, the same Utoya youth camp that was attacked by ultra-nationalist Anders Behring Breivik who murdered at least 68 people, smacked of Hitler Youth.
Wow. WOW! People died due to ultra-right wing swill that was not taken seriously, and this complete waste of egg and sperm feels the need to pipe up and harken Hitler once again??? About NORWAY???? It was bad enough that many news outlets, including his former employer, automatically assumed the attacks were executed by Islamic extremists and then went on tirades about closing borders to Muslims. It was bad enough that when they were proven wrong, some still held fast, and said that maybe they were in disguise; because I’m sure the terrorists just have rubber white-people masks just lying around. I’ve seen enough Scooby-Doo and James Bond movies to know that this is plausible. Right when it is officially known that the culprit is actually the product of RIGHT WING rhetoric, Beck chimes in by comparing the VICTIMS to HITLER YOUTH, a group that was just as much a machine of extremist right wing as Breivik is! What’s worse is that Beck acts like he doesn’t have his own “youth camp” Look up 9/12 Project! He, once again, is blatantly hypocritical.
What disturbs me is that people really believe everything he says! Even when he contradicts himself. He has a certain part of the public under some sort of Orwellian spell, where he’ll say in one breath that the president is a racist, then in the NEXT SENTENCE, say he doesn’t think the President is a racist, and no one calls him on it. It’s like a really long, twisted episode of “Punk’d”! These are the people about whom we should worry, because these are the people that will take up arms and try to follow through with some of the hate-speech that Beck and others say. These people are the Breiviks that will do harm to people, and the inherent intellect of the people who do take action will determine the damage done. Breivik was a smart student in school. He made a bomb and made himself a disguise to infiltrate a camp. You can call him an idiot, but he was smart enough to plot out this scheme. Imagine what someone smarter can do.
As I write this, I realise what is truly going on: Glenn Beck hasn’t been on the front page much since he left Fox. He needs to be in the public eye somehow. He is either a media whore who sits in front of the TV and computer naked and masturbates to the sound of his name when it is said or printed, or he is trying to win an elaborate bet with Rush Limbaugh to see who can say the most outrageously egregious swill and get money for doing so. Winner gets to sit naked in the money and masturbate to the sound of his name when it is said or printed. Well, I guess you got your wish, either way, Mr. Beck. You are starting to make Limbaugh look tame this week, and there are so many news outlets covering your latest “feat”, you’re going to run out of lotion and socks.
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